Search/Route Params- App


While the apis for app and pages are very similar, there are some important differences.

Make sure you follow the docs for your use case

This page: app version

View the pages version here

Server Components

Forced Dynamic Rendering

In page.tsx, search params are accessible through asynchronous props on the top level exported component. However, accessing search params in this way will force you into dynamic rendering.

If you do not want this behavior (i.e. you want some part of your page to be statically generated at build time or ISR’d), you can either cache your component with "use cache", or can place the search param logic in a client component. Check out the ‘Client Components’ section below to see more.

Usage in page.tsx


next-typesafe-url/app/hoc provides a higher order component withParamValidation you can wrap your page with to provide runtime validation through your zod validator.

The InferPagePropsType helper type is passed RouteType as a generic to extrapolate the valid types coming out of the zod validator.

Note: If no error is thrown, your PageProps will always be the types you defined in your schema.

Note: If your page does not consume any search/route params (i.e. it is a ‘static’ route), there is no need to use withParamValidation

// app/product/[productID]/page.tsx
import { withParamValidation } from "next-typesafe-url/app/hoc";
import type { InferPagePropsType } from "next-typesafe-url";
import { Route, type RouteType } from "./routeType";

type PageProps = InferPagePropsType<RouteType>;

async function Page({ routeParams, searchParams }: PageProps) {
  return (
      <div>{JSON.stringify(await routeParams)}</div>
      <div>{JSON.stringify(await searchParams)}</div>

export default withParamValidation(Page, Route);


If the zod validation fails, the promise for searchParams/routeParams will reject with a ZodError.

Usage in layout.tsx

Layouts only have access to route params, not search params (see why).

In terms of validation, a layout could represent any number of routes within it, all of which may have their own validators which may not neccesarily overlap.

Because of this, you must define a new zod validator for each layout, which accurately represents the union of all possible valid route params for all nested routes.


next-typesafe-url/app/hoc provides a higher order component withLayoutParamValidation you can wrap your layouts with to provide runtime validation through your zod validator.

The InferLayoutPropsType helper type is passed the type of your LayoutRoute as a generic to extrapolate the valid types coming out of the zod validator.

Note: If no error is thrown, your PageProps will always be the types you defined in your schema.

Note: If your layout does not consume any route params, there is no need to use withLayoutParamValidation

// app/product/[productID]/layout.tsx
import { z } from "zod";
import { withLayoutParamValidation } from "next-typesafe-url/app/hoc";
import type { DynamicLayout, InferLayoutPropsType } from "next-typesafe-url";

const LayoutRoute = {
  routeParams: z.object({
    productID: z.number(),
} satisfies DynamicLayout;
type LayoutType = typeof LayoutRoute;

type Props = InferLayoutPropsType<LayoutType>;
async function Layout({ children, routeParams }: Props) {
  return (
      <p>{JSON.stringify(await routeParams)}</p>

export default withLayoutParamValidation(Layout, LayoutRoute);


If the zod validation fails, the promise for searchParams/routeParams will reject with a ZodError.

Client Components

If you don’t have a specific reason to need to access params on the Client, it is recommended to use the server patterns found in the “Server Components” section above, but this is just general advice.


next-typesafe-url/app exports a useRouteParams and useSearchParams hook that will return the route params / search params for the current route. They take one argument, the zod schema for either route params or search params from the Route object.

import { Route } from "~/app/product/[productID]/routeType.tsx";
import { useSearchParams, useRouteParams } from "next-typesafe-url/app";

function Component() {
  const routeParams = useRouteParams(Route.routeParams);
  const searchParams = useSearchParams(Route.searchParams);
  const { data, isLoading, isError, error } = searchParams;

  if (isLoading) {
    return <div>loading...</div>;
  } else if (isError) {
    return <div>Invalid search params {error.message}</div>;
  } else {
    return <div>{}</div>;


isLoading is the loading state of the internal Next router, and isError is a boolean that is true if the params do not match the schema. If isError is true, then error will be a ZodError object you can use to get more information about the error. (also check out zod-validation-error to get a nice error message)

If isLoading is false and isError is false, then data will always be valid and match the schema.

Note: Be mindful when using useSearchParams and useRouteParams in components used in multiple routes, making sure you pass the correct validator


next-typesafe-url/pages ALSO exports a useRouteParams and useSearchParams hook, but these are NOT the same as the hooks exported from next-typesafe-url/app.


Advanced Routing Patterns

Parallel Routes

page.tsx in any parallel routes should use the import from the routeType.ts from the parent directory

This is because they will be shown on the same route, receiving the same route params and search params, and therefore should use the same zod validator.

├── @analytics
    └── page.tsx  <- THIS SHOULD IMPORT FROM  |
└── layout.tsx                                |
└── page.tsx                                  |
└── routeType.ts <-----------------------------

Adjusting Layout Props

InferLayoutPropsType and withLayoutParamValidation take an optional second type parameter of string or a union of strings (for multiple parallel routes) that should represent any parallel routes beneath the layout.

type Props = InferLayoutPropsType<LayoutType, "analytics">;
function Layout({ children, routeParams, analytics }: Props) {
  return (
export default withLayoutParamValidation<LayoutType, "analytics">(

Intercepted Routes

Like parallel routes, page.tsx in any intercepted routes should import from the routeType.ts from the directory of the route being intercepted

This way, whether that route is accessed directly or intercepted, the same validation is used.

├── @modal
    └── (.)foo
        └── page.tsx  <- THIS SHOULD IMPORT FROM  |
└── layout.tsx                                    |
└── foo                                           |
    └── page.tsx                                  |
    └── routeType.ts <-----------------------------

Now the pages version:

Next: Search/Route Params- Pages