Running the CLI

What does the CLI do?

The CLI’s purpose is to generate a file that contains a mapping of every possible route to a schema if you defined one.

This is required to be able to define the schemas in a convenient way (wherever the route is), and still have a single type representing all possible routes and their schemas that can be used to generate links.


next-typesafe-url requires that you have a src directory in your project, and that your pages and app directories are inside of it.

└── src
    └── app
    // or/and
    └── pages

It doesn’t where src is located, but it must exist.

Running the CLI

$ npx next-typesafe-url (...options)


—watch / -w

Running the CLI with the --watch or -w flag will cause the CLI to watch for changes in your src/app and src/pages directories and automatically regenerate the types file when it detects a change.


The path to your src directory relative to the cwd the cli is run from. DEFAULT: "./src"


The path of the generated .d.ts file relative to the cwd the cli is run from. DEFAULT: "./next-typesafe-url_.d.ts"


Override the default filename for the routeType.ts file in the app directory. DEFAULT: routeType


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Add to your package.json scripts

Add next-typesafe-url to your dev and build script in package.json.

This will ensure that the types are generated before the build, and that they are regenerated when you make changes in dev mode.

For dev mode, you can either run it in a seperate shell, or in the same one as next dev with the concurrently package.

  "scripts": {
    "build": "next-typesafe-url && next build",

    "dev": "concurrently  \"next-typesafe-url -w\" \"next dev\"",
    // OR
    "dev:url": "next-typesafe-url -w"

Now we're ready to start routing and consuming params!

Next: Routing